Clubs and individuals pay membership for affiliation to Wigtownshire Sports Council. Members are able to receive advice and information on sport and make applications for grant funding.
Membership is open to all clubs, individuals, teams and organisations involved with recognised sports (SportScotland list), games and physical activities within Wigtownshire.
All member clubs must have Dumfries and Galloway Local Sports Club Accreditation and national club accreditation. Please contact us for further information.
Membership is paid annually from 1st January by clubs and individuals. The current subscription fees are:
- Teams and Clubs - £25
- Individuals - Senior - £20
- Individuals - Junior - £15
Membership Form
Forms should be returned to the Wigtownshire Sports Council along with the appropriate subscription fee.
Sports Club Accreditation Scheme
The Scheme is administered by Dumfries and Galloway Council's Active Sports and Community Sport team and is an effective way for clubs to demonstrate to parents, schools and the wider community that they have achieved nationally minimum criteria in child protection and other key areas.